Passionate, humorous, dramatic, and powerful, Ayanna Gregory follows in the footsteps of her father, Dick Gregory, using the arts as her tools to uplift, inspire and heal the human spirit. Her “WE ARE THE CHANGE” Motivational Performance Tour targets schools (K-12), colleges, cultural arts and community centers, churches, and organizations. Ayanna’s messages are timeless and universal.
YES WE’RE READY is a high energy and interactive Back to School Assembly that focuses on getting students ready for a positive and productive school year. Through songs, affirmations and powerful information about the human capacity for greatness, Ayanna motivates students to start the school year off with confidence and high expectations. In this session, she encourages students to chart their own destiny by setting intentions, moving through distractions and embracing their education. And perhaps most importantly, Ayanna inspires students to co-create a culture of love and community.
“I AM A CHANGE MAKER” focuses on contributions that Black people have made to the planet. Ayanna shares songs, stories and poetry celebrating Black History as World History, from ancient African civilizations to the present. Ayanna also shares powerful narratives about the Civil Rights Movement from the perspective of the youth. From the 1963 Children’s March in Birmingham, Alabama to Ayanna’s personal experiences as a child of “The Movement”, she colorfully weaves powerful stories and songs that reflect the power of children who changed America with their courage. She introduces the concept of “Activism” as a way for people to leave their environment better than they found it and encourages all participants to “be the change they want to see” in their world. (Can be adjusted for most age groups)
A GRIOT SPEAKS is a highly interactive storytelling workshop. It is full of dramatic stories with empowering messages. Woven in and out of the stories are colorful songs, call-and-response affirmations, drumming and dancing that everyone can participate in. Magical, fun and inspiring, this workshop is perfect for all who are young at heart. (Best suited for Elementary School students)
I KNOW I CAN is an interactive motivational workshop that is designed to inspire participants to discover and fulfill their highest potential. Through amazing stories and facts about the human body and spirit, high energy sing-alongs, call-and-response affirmations, and creative visualization, participants will be encouraged to express their individuality, find their purpose and let their passion propel their journey to personal and collective greatness. Most importantly, participants will be challenged to use their greatness to make a difference on the planet. “If it is to be, it is up to me” (Can be adjusted for most age groups)
In addition to the above please feel free to inquire about THE POWER WITHIN, EMPOWERING THE GODDESS, MUSIC IS A WEAPON and DAUGHTER OF THE STRUGGLE.
WORD, SOUND, POWER (for Students) is a journey to peace, love and transformation. Through song, storytelling, meditation, movement and affirmation, Ayanna takes students on an inner journey of self-empowerment. During the session, Ayanna shares childhood stories that provide teachable moments about finding internal peace and worthiness. She also takes students through a creative visualization experience where they will use their imagination to become a part of nature and co-create a place of peace and joy in their bodies and minds. Students will affirm their worthiness and also share their own ideas about how to find peace, positivity and power from within. They will experience the power of high vibrational words and sounds through positive affirmations and music. They will learn that our thoughts and words have impact on our lives. Student will also get tips on how to maintain peace and improve their self-care on a daily basis.
WORD, SOUND, POWER (for Staff and Community) is a journey to peace love and transformation. Through meditation, sound vibration, and verbal affirmations, Ayanna takes participants on a journey of self-empowerment. During the meditations, participants will reimagine their life (from the womb to the present moment) from an empowered place, affirm their gifts and worthiness and acknowledge their overall importance to the planet. They will engage in exercises around forgiveness, gratitude, peace and abundance. They will visualize their wellness and all that they’re choosing to manifest in the present and future. They will experience the power of high vibrational words and sounds and get tips on how to maintain peace and improve their self-care on a daily basis.
Ayanna also facilitates HEALING CIRCLES tailored to address the specific needs of various communities seeking to create brave space for healing and transformation. For inquiries, see link below.
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